ABCU. Education within the Benedictine Wisdom Tradition.
The ten hallmarks of Benedictine education with a prologue on the Catholic intellectual tradition (text)
25 June 2024 (video)
Bouchard, Gary M. "The Shape of Song in a Flood of Words: Benedictine Education and Poetic Truth."
22 June 2004 (text)
Cahoy, William J. "Benedictine Wisdom and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition."
28 June 2006 (text)
Cahoy, William J. "Institutions, Leadership, and the Benedictine Hallmarks."
10 June 2019 (video)
Cardoba Tait, Alicia. "The Rule of St. Benedict as A Pathway to Transformational Leadership."
26 June 2023 (video)
Association of Benedictine Colleges and Universities, June 24-27, 2007, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS. (text)
De Waal, Esther. "The Benedictine Charism Today."
Lisle, IL: Benedictine University, delivered 26 April 1995. (text)
1 June 2018 (text)
28 June 2023 (video)
Devine, Luke, OSB. "Always Forward: Religious Studies at Benedictine Universities in the U.S."
Master Thesis in Theological Studies at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. 2008 (text)
Goodwin, Larry. "Transformational Community."
6 June 2016 (text)
Heble, Judith Ann, OSB. "Charism as an Inspiration for Mission, Vision and Values."
2 June 2017 (text)
Hedican, Michaela, OSB. "Listening, Loving, and Leading in the Way of St. Benedict."
25 May 2021 (video)
Hedican, Michaela, OSB. "The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: Embodying a Legacy."
24 June 2024 (video)
Heron, Jason. "On Waking Up: Benedictine Thoughts on Sleeping Students."
17 June 2022 (video)
Heynderickx, Roy and Long, Marcus. "Implementing Hallmarks in Real Life."
12 June 2019 (video)
Kardong, Terrence, OSB. "The Humanism of Benedict of Nursia."
Tjurunga 58 (2000) 15-30; ABCU online, 2004 (text)
Kelly, Timothy, OSB. "Benedictine Education."
Saint Martin's Abbey, Lacey, Washington, 1994 (text)
Klassen, Abbot John, OSB. "Educating in the Benedictine Context: Why It Matters."
3 June 2017 (text)
Klassen, Abbot John, OSB. "The Gifts and the Challenges of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition."
25 May 2021 (video)
Klassen, Abbot John, OSB. "Vocation of Leadership in a Benedictine Environment."
28 June 2023 (video)
11 June 2019 (video)
Kleespie, Nick, OSB. "Communicating Benedictine Values."
27 June 2023 (video)
Kunze, Nicole, OSB. "Being and Living the Legacy."
12 June 2019 (video)
Kunze, Nicole, OSB. “The Value of Stability: In this time, in this place.”
26 January 2021 (video)
Kunze, Nicole, OSB. "Radical Hospitality."
16 June 2022 (video)
Leahy, Edwin, OSB. "A Beloved Community of Disciples."
25 May 2021 (video)
Long, Marcus, OblOSB. "Benedictine Leadership in Higher Education."
16 June 2022 (video)
Long, Marcus, OblOSB. "Applyint the Rule to Your Life and Work."
25 June 2024 (video)
1 June 2017 (video)
Min, Anselm K. "Updating Benedictine Education for Today."
Belmont Abbey College, delivered 30 May 1992 (text)
Millis, Diane M. "Listening With the Ear of the Heart: At this time, in this place."
16 June 2022 (video)
Mitchell, Sandra. "DEIJ and Benedictine Identity."
26 June 2024 (video)
2014 (text)
Norris, Kathleen, OblOSB. "Maintaining Stability and Remaining Open to Change."
26 June 2024 (video)
Nowell, Irene, OSB. "Benedictine Interpreters of the Word of God."
21 June 2004 (text)
28 June 2023 (video)
Reinhart, Dietrich, OSB. "The Heart’s Deep Gladness and the Hunger of the World."
30 May 2008. Benedictine Pedagogy Conference, Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois (text)
Rezac, Barb, OblOSB. "Importance of Sustaining Our Benedictine Mission."
17 June 2022 (video)
27 June 2023 (video)
Rippinger, Joel, OSB. "The Benedictine Intellectual Tradition: An Overview."
21 June 2004 (text)
2 June 2017 (text)
17 June 2022 (video)
Taylor, Rev. Paul, OSB. "Where does Belonging belong?"
26 June 2024 (video)
Taylor, Rev. Brian C. "The Benedictine Way as a Counter-Cultural Path."
Lisle, IL: Benedictine University, delivered March 22, 1995 (text)
Thimmesh, Hilary, OSB. "Benedictines and Higher Education American Style."
Belmont Abbey College, delivered 30 May 1992 (text)
Veilleux, Armand, O.C.S.O. "Benedictine Life as School of Communion."
23 March 1996 (text)
"A Way of Life, a Way of Faith: Benedictines in Central Minnesota."
Document created by the CSB-SJU Vocation Project, 2003 (text)
Welder, Thomas, OSB. "Called to Leadership and Service."
1 June 2015 (video)
Welder, Thomas, OSB. "Educating in the Benedictine Context: Why It Matters."
3 June 2017 (video)
Welder, Thomas, OSB. "Listening: The Heart of Leadership."
11 June 2019 (video)
Whalen, Dan. "Leadership and Followership with a Benedictine Grounding."
26 June 2024 (video)